Working with Author Positions

Indicators for Author Position

Author Position is a new group type added in Manage Indicators panel for Researcher, Organization, and Location entities. You can add the following six indicators, three document count and three % count, to each explorer from the Author Position indicators panel:

Author position indicators

Author position data is only available in Researcher, Organization, and Location entities for documents published on or after 2008.

Filter to Include or Exclude Author Positions

Author Position is also a new filter in Researcher, Organization, and Location entities. You can use it to filter on first, last, and corresponding author positions in the data grid:

Author Position filter

You can click all Author Position document count indicators to view and export underlying documents:

Author Position document counts

Visualize the Author Positions

All six Author Position indicators are also available in the visualizations, except geographical map:

Author Position visualizations

For My Organization Users

The Author Position data is not available for My Organization module with the exception of External Collaboration flag. The researcher and department data added in your My Organization module may or may not match the actual author data in the Web of Science document. Currently, it is not possible for us to derive the relevant author positions for this data. However, when the External Collaboration flag is set in Researcher and Organization entities, the author position data is visible for the documents within the My Organization dataset. This is because the external collaboration flag retrieves the actual author and organizational data for these documents directly from the InCites dataset.

When External Collaboration is not checked, we display the researcher and organization data provided in your My Organization dataset:

Author Position external collaboration screenshot


When you check External Collaboration, we grab the Researcher and Organization data from InCites dataset for the documents in My Organization dataset:

Screen shot-Author position external collaboration checked